Headshot Mini-Session Details


Headshot mini-sessions are 45 minutes in length. You may have up to 3 different “looks”. A “look” is typically tied to a particular outfit, hairstyle, etc. It’s important to realize the more looks you have, the less time is available for taking pictures, which will reduce the overall number of processed photos you end up with. For a 45 minute session, we recommend just 1 look in order to maximize the number of processed photos.

Your wardrobe choice matters! Choose solid colors that are not too bright or too dark. The exception to this is either black or white. Patterns and logos will draw attention away from you, which will reduce the overall impact of the headshots. We recommend no necklaces, earrings, etc. as they also draw attention away from you.


It’s important to arrive 5-10 minutes before the start time of your session (not any earlier, due to space limitations). If you arrive late, regardless of the reason, that time is deducted from your overall shooting time.

We begin shooting promptly at your appointment time, and end promptly 45 minutes later. Be sure you have prepared yourself as much as necessary prior to the shoot, so that you don’t lose any time using the restroom, doing your hair, etc. If you are late for any reason, we will start shooting as soon as you arrive, but will still end 45 minutes after your appointment time.

We shoot strictly against a medium gray background as gray goes with every outfit, skin tone, and hair color. We may slightly adjust the background color during post-processing depending on your hair and eye color, and the color of your wardrobe


We will choose the final images to process and send to you, based on our experience and other factors. Let us know if you would like to be more involved in the process. We charge an additional $75 for interactive “proofing”, where we provide a gallery of images that you can review and provide input on prior to processing. This occurs after the shoot and may extend the 2-week delivery time.

We do an average amount of post-processing including blemish removal, stray hair removal, and color grading. All of our post processing is considered “minimal” in that we don’t do skin softening, blurring, glow, etc. Our goal is to remove the minor skin imperfections we all have, and keep you looking like you. It’s important that headshots accurately reflect who you are!

We may take some liberty in balancing the color of your clothing during post-processing to ensure your wardrobe compliments your hair and eye color. While we will always accurately represent your skin tone, eyes, and hair, we may make minor adjustments to the the color of your clothing to make sure it is complimentary and not distracting.

Got questions? Fill out the contact form and we will get right back to you!